
The Sint-Jans hospital in Bruges attracts many tourists. For many of them this old hospital is one of the scenery pieces in the old city centre, which they are led to in countless groups by travel agencies.

Print van een foto waarop een Aziatische toeriste met haar mobiele telefoon een foto maakt van het Sint-Janshospitaal in Brugge.
Print of a photo in which an Asian tourist takes a photo of Saint John’s Hospital in Bruges with her mobile phone.

Bend over backwards

They hold still in front of the beautiful facade of this historic building, just like this woman. The beauty of Saint John’s Hospital is a reason for her to then bend over backwards. And as if she can better see the facade, she holds her phone in front of her face. She is taking a photo, after which she continues her tour through the city centre. She will be on her way to the next tourist highlight.

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